Thursday, March 31, 2011


Today, after MUCH comparison shopping, I purchased our luggage. The luggage choices are a little much, I have to say. Hard case, soft case, duffle, suitcase, wheeled or non-?? Although, as I say it, I realize that this is also what I have said about the technology choices, the clothing choices.... Maybe I should just face it. I am not the shopper I used to be.

I ended up with matching non-wheeled duffles for all of us. Our main air carrier will be Korean. They allow 107" total, split between two pieces, with any one piece being no larger than 62".  All this per person, with children being treated the same as adults (for once!). These are overall dimensions - width, height, depth. So, with these dimensions, I got LL Bean duffles, one large and one medium for each of us, bringing our total dimensions per person to 103". Yahoo.

Here's what we got:

I opted for the non-wheeled because these are going to be checked. Getting them to the checkpoint and away, I am assuming we will have a cart or a helper - we couldn't wheel all those bags by ourselves anyway. And, the wheels add a significant amount of weight. I am guessing, we are going to want every last ounce we can squeeze out of (and into) those bags. I did get Andrew and I each a wheeled, carry-on sized piece in this same print - Andrew's in the blue above and mine in pink - channeling my inner pink girl and trying to make style points with my daughter.

Next : carry-ons for the kids and a closed top "purse" for me. But that's enough for today. Stay tuned to find out just how large one "purse" can be!

And, of course, the grand irony is that all these items were most likely MADE IN VIETNAM.

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