Monday, September 26, 2011

I'm a Writer?

Since my middle school days have ended and I have caught up on laundry, groceries and household things, I have had some time to think (and panic) about what my role is here. When I was subbing, my world was narrowed to that of school. While I am not at all opposed to pursuing some sort of certification which would allow me to work in a school setting, this time away from school has helped me to realize that there may be other options.

So today I tried out being a writer. Like many would-be writers, I am big on ideas and short on production. Today I decided to focus. What would my days look like if I was a writer. Here's how it went.

Get up. Cheerily (it's a new day, possibilities dawn) get the kids breakfast and get us all out the door, helmets in hand for the bike ride to school. Kiss and wave, hop back on bike (no dawdling!) to get back home and begin. Arrive home. Put away helmet, put on house shoes. Mop sweat off face. Look in mirror, wonder if this shirt needs a camisole under it to be worn in public. Fill up coffee cup. Turn on computer. While computer warms, water plants and fountain. Turn on fountain. While watering outdoor plants, discover that it's not too hot out and there's a little breeze. Remember electric bill. Open all windows that have screens. Stand for a few minutes and gaze into the courtyard. Return gaze to window screen and wonder if a bird could fit through that gap. Decide that a bird could fit, but would they try? Leave window alone. Return to computer. Type in password.

While waiting, check phone that is on desk for battery. Wonder again why Andrew took the phone charger to Bali (who, exactly, does he think he is going to call there?) and, why in the world, we only seem to have one. Decide that each phone must have come with its own charger and that it must be here somewhere, even though I haven't been able to find it the last three times I've looked. Get up and start looking again. Feel quite pleased when I find it in the drawer. Plug phone in to charge and feel better that I can now be reached in case I am away from home and Andrew's plane crashes or the kids fall out a window at school - cross that worry off the list.

Return to computer. Open Word. Start recording family secrets. Mine and Andrew's. Fill up two pages. Review. Cringe when I think what my mother will say. Save document. Consider writer ethics about fictionalizing real, family events that others really might prefer were not shared. Internal struggle. Close document.

Open new document. Start character and setting development. Open Safari to research location facts. While, there, might as well check my email. Read long, warm email from friend, Jane. Hungry. Get up for snack. See dry laundry on balcony. Put bread in oven to toast, start folding laundry. Realize that I might as well start some laundry since I'm soon to have all this empty laundry line. Imagine Andrew's loving embrace and cared-for feelings when he returns from Bali and finds clean clothes. Smile in anticipation. Separate  Andrew's laundry. Whites are bigger - in they go.

Whew. It's hot. Go to bathroom and wipe sweat off face. Go to kitchen, fill up glass with ice & water. Drink. Repeat. Check on toast.  Go to bathroom (to pee). Wash hands. Return to kitchen. Take toast out, spread peanut butter and jam, put on plate. Can't eat at the computer (crumbs and ants) - sit at dining table. Might as well read. Read Asher's book. Eat toast. Finish toast. Might as well finish the chapter. Notice how in the book the characters research facts about the game they are making up.

Oh yeah - research. What time is it? Maybe I will go to that PTA meeting at 1:00 pm. Plenty of time. Go back to computer. Sit down. Check email. Check pages. Hey - got 2 down and some research sites bookmarked. Not bad. Or is it?

Since I'm here, might as well blog (people want to KNOW).

Real writers out there - is this how it goes?!

Me, laughing at my own jokes.

Go to Safari to


  1. Debra! You're so funny! You ARE a writer! All of that was hilarious! Sounds like you all are starting to get in the groove there - as they say. Do you need anyone to send you some books? I'd be happy to - let me know!

  2. A writer if there ever was one!

  3. Yes, Debra, this is exactly how it goes. The trick is to keep doing it in spite of how unproductive it can feel. It takes some perseverance before it feels like real work, which it is.
